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 My name is MASAZUMI AO and I am Japanese.  My family's name is Ao. Ao means 'blue'.        
I hope there will always be blue sky, water and land.

My research history and more information;
See Research Map

🍀 My history(人生観)







  • 秋田・岩手県に関する地域連携方策研究(東北農政局)

  • 農村歌舞伎や舞台芸術などの地域活性化に資する研究(旧文化庁)

  • 岐阜県のIT企業、ベンチャー・地域産業の活性化(岐阜県・ソフトピアジャパン)

  • 北欧における知識社会形成に関する調査(岐阜県)

  • 住宅改造・補装具開発に関する研究(岐阜県)

  • 「安全・安心」な健康産業支援ビジネス構築事業(岐阜県)

  • 欧州における長期失業者対策と雇用の意思決定プロセスに関する調査(岐阜県)

  • 都市エネルギーの高効率化のためのシミュレーションモデルの構築に関する研究(岐阜県)

  • 岐阜県エコデザイン推進事業調査(岐阜県)

  • 地場産業等におけるエコデザイン推進モデルに関する調査(経済産業省中部経済産業局)

  • ​その他多数


 Profile & my life experience

 My research into international environmental issues began when I was studying in Sweden, a Nordic country affected by acid rain and the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the 1980s and 1990s.  Cutting down acidified and dead trees and planting trees. Trekking in forests where you don't see a soul all day; seeing the sun at the Arctic Circle in June, circling above your head and never setting. Mountaineering at -28°C near the Swedish-Norwegian border in February during a harsh winter and spending time in a quiet mountain hut. A sudden encounter with a Swedish-built Saab 37 Bigen fighter jet in the mountains the next morning. The new insights gained from living with mentally handicapped peers in school accommodation. Experiencing a completely different way of living and thinking in Sweden than in Japan.

 Soon after, I had the opportunity to spend my research life in Washington DC. My way of thinking and my spiritual feelings changed a lot in the USA, which is completely different from my life in Sweden. After that, I visited different parts of the world, and by visiting the sites of environmental destruction, the current situation in poor areas and the sites of cruel wars, I felt strongly the need for international cooperation, both from developed countries and with neighbouring countries, for each country to build a society in which people can live in safety. I have come to realise that solving environmental problems is a priority for me in the limited time I have left in my life, and I want to contribute to solving these problems, even if only in a small way. 

 One person I admire is Chiune Sugihara. During my own nine years in Gifu Prefecture, I visited the Humanitarian Hill Park in Yaotsu-cho, Gifu Prefecture, to reflect on the tragedy of the Jewish genocide. Coincidentally, this was soon followed by a visit to the Environmental Research and Study Area in the Baltic States. On that occasion, I visited an environmental NGO in Kaunas, Lithuania, and was able to visit the former Japanese Consulate (now the Chiune Sugihara Sempo Museum), which is located near the NGO's office. 

 At the time, few people in Lithuania spoke English, even in the capital, Vilnius, and the second largest city, Kaunas. Bullet holes were still visible on houses and walls in the city. I learnt that the Baltic States had suffered cruel and painful historical tragedies, from Soviet to German and then back to Soviet occupation. It is not easy to imagine the past of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania today without visiting the history museum. I feel that the Baltic States have changed a lot in the last few decades, both in their cities and in their people, towards a hopeful future.

 I believe that my connection with Gifu Prefecture and Lithuania, as well as with Latvia and Estonia, is no coincidence. In particular, I have strong ties with Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania and Latvia. I am committed to nurturing these ties and promoting research and academic exchanges that will be useful to the international community.

Ceremony at Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh ​
Exhibited at Eco-pro Exhibition
With Movie Actors in Lithuania
Riga Unive 4.jpg
Student overseas training at the entrance of the University of Latvia
Eskilstuna, Sweden



Swedish (little)

Research Interests

Environmental Policy

Waste Management

Resource Circulation

Marine Litte

Air pollution

Environmental Management

Environmental Education

Environmental Cooperation

🍀 My Research Interest
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  Areas of expertise include global environmental policy theory, resource recycling and innovation theory, and ecological communication theory.

  The main research themes for 2023-2028 are 1) scenario analysis for achieving carbon neutrality, 2) research on preventing marine pollution from land-based plastic waste, and 3) research on preventing transboundary air pollution in the East Asian region -. The causal relationship between PM2.5 and COVID-19, 4) research on sustainable consumption and production (Sustainable Consumption SDGs), 5) research on trends in local production and local consumption of renewable energy, and 6) research on environmental communication methods using DX.

  The primary study areas are the UK, the Baltic Sea Region (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, etc.) and East Asia (China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, South Korea and Japan). In addition to the above countries, policy studies include the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and India.

🍀 Work experience
  詳しくは /For details Research Map

Oct 2022 - Today 横浜市立大学 カーボンニュートラルアンバサダー

Yokohama City University, Carbon Neutral Ambassador

Apr 2009 - Today 横浜市立大学 教授

Professor, Graduate School of Urban Social and Culture Studies, Yokohama City University

Sep 2013 - Mar 2016 横浜市立大学・グローバル都市研究センター センター長

Director, GCI. Global Cooperation Institute for Sustainable Cities., Yokohama City University

Aug 2006 - Mar 2009 名古屋大学 研究推進室 教授、環境学研究科 教授

Professor, Research & Promotion office, Graduate school of environmental studies, Nagoya University


 - Jul 2006 OKB総研(岐阜・大垣市)研究員を経て主任研究員

Senior Research Fellow, Research Division, Kyoritu Research Institute 

🍀 Education​
Doctoral Degree in Environmental Studies (Nagoya University)
Department of Social and Human Environment, Graduate school of environmental studies, Nagoya University

MA  in International development (Kyorin University)
The Graduate Schools of International Cooperation Studies
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